No one likes to be offended, but in these days it seems like
people are easily offended. I don't try to offend anyone but I don't worry
about it. It's their decision if they choose to be offended. I live in today's
world and can't change the past and have no desire to.
It seems like some people are looking for a reason to be offended.
Guess what? People usually find what they are looking for. I could spend
my days looking for things that displease me and I'm sure there would be many,
but that's not living a productive life.
I choose not to be offended by your religion, culture, lifestyle,
race or political views. Most importantly, I choose not to be offended by
history but use it to learn to live my life better. We hear frequently than no
one wants to be judged; yet many of people are judging our ancestors without
ever walking in their shoes. To judge our ancestor by today's standards is
unfair. There's no question that slavery was wrong but that's easier to see
Confederate soldiers were not evil people. They were patriots born
in the south. Slavery was just one reason for the Civil War, but there were
others like economic (taxes) and social differences plus state versus federal
rights. Tearing down monuments won't change the past; it hides the truth. We
need to teach the truth and these monuments could be the right tool.
It easier to choose not to be offended than tear everything down
that offends you. "Just Saying...."