Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Angry People

     There are a lot of angry people in this world today, but I rarely run into any face to face. Social media seems to be where they exhibit their anger. You can't win an argument on social media because there are no repercussions. In a way you're invisible. All you can really do is agitate others, so if that's your goal, mission accomplished.

     Would most people use the angry vile words to your face that they use on social media? Some maybe but most I suspect would tone down their use of hostile words. Anger is a negative emotion, which breeds more anger. Sometimes anger is justified but it's easy to cross that line to the dark side.

     The courts just ruled that the St. Louis Zoo has a right to ban guns from their premises. This has lead to a rash of comments regarding this decision both for and against. The funny thing is there were hostile comments from both sides. To me this proves that people are more interested in preaching than listening. Angry people always feel they are right and are unwilling to listen to another viewpoint.

     Open carry is just one of many hot topics. We all know and understand the arguments from both sides. On this topic, there seems to be no option for negotiation on either side. If we are going to live together in a peaceful society, there has to be negotiation. Everyone can not get everything they want, all of the time.

     We recently visited the St. Louis Zoo with relatives from Colorado and had a great time without feeling our lives were in danger. I personally would not have felt safe if open carry was allowed at the zoo. The argument is that criminals will ignore the law and carry their guns anyway. So if you choose to ignore the law as well and carry your gun into the zoo, are you a criminal?  "Just Saying...."