"Well. there's a lot going on and sometimes I feel guilty not doing more." Young Bobby said. " I see news stories about tragedies and how people help by donating money on their time, but I haven't done as much as they have."
The old man scratched his head and said. "Those people are to be admired but it's not something that all of us can do. Don't judge yourself to others standards. We can't all be hero's. We don't have to be, but we all have an impact on life. The best you can do is make it positive."
"But how can I do that?" Questioned young Bobby.
"Small gestures, kind words and smiles can have as great an impact on society as stacking sand bags to protect a house from flooding. All of us have time to do small favors for others throughout the day." The old man smiled.
"I still don't know what you mean. Can you be more specific?"
"Think about what you do throughout the day, Bobby." The old man continued. "Everything you do requires a decision. Think about others when you make that decision. Be considerate to others when driving, stop to help a handicapped person carry groceries, pick up trash, strike up a conversation with a stranger. There are a million small things you can do to make life a little better."
"Okay, I think I get it, change the way I look at life. So I need to look for opportunities to help people in small ways."
"Yes, exactly. You don't need to set aside a certain amount of time to help others. You need to incorporate that into your daily life. Small positive gestures add up to big changes." The old man winked at Bobby.
Looking enlightened Bobby said. "Sometimes you old guys are smarter than you look." Laughing he continued. "You should probably quit smoking though."
The old man shook his head and smiled. "You're right, that's good advice. I guess we can learn from each other." As he reached for the ashtray to snub out his cigarette butt.