Saturday, February 17, 2018

Who Runs the Government?

     Right now most people will say the government is in the hands of the Republicans. Prior to the last election the Democrats (Obama) ran the government for 8 years. Before that Bush a Republican then Clinton a Democrat each ran the country for 8 years. These are the facts as we are made to believe. The truth is not always obvious.

     The lobbyist and special interest groups run the USA and the biggest lobby is the NRA. Columbine was the first of the school shootings and they have been increasing with more frequency, not just in schools but at concerts, churches and nightclubs.

     It’s easy to blame Trump, our current president, but it’s been going on since the Clinton administration and nothing has been done. I believe Trump was elected to send a message to all politicians that the American public was fed up and we want change. I want our president to do something to prevent the next shooting but I don’t believe it will happen.

     I support hunters and those that want a gun for self-protection but the AR15 assault weapon was designed as a military weapon. It’s not a hunting rifle. There is no reason for the American public to have such a weapon. It is not your right to have an assault weapon. The NRA preaches lies, when they imply any restrictions to the 2nd amendment will eventually lead to all guns being taken away from the public.

     Laws need to be put in place to protect US citizens from these overzealous gun advocates that believe any laws restricting gun possession is negative. The responsibility of change lies on us, the American public because our representatives answer only to the NRA. Vote politicians out of office that don’t act on our behalf. Demand term limits because holding a political office was never meant to be a lifelong job.

     In a matter of weeks we will start to forget about the Florida school shooting, not because we are callous. We simply move on because life moves on and deep down we don’t believe anything will change. We forget quickly and too easily because it hurts to remember. Let’s be warriors for our children by not forgetting this terrible tragedy but taking action to make changes. Let the Florida school shooting be memorable for changing our nation’s direction by implementing rational gun laws.

     We need to put control of the US government back in the hands of the American public. "Just Saying...."