Saturday, March 9, 2019

Verbal Crucifixion

     I learned at a very young age that attacking someone verbally is as damaging as physically. When you verbally attack someone they will likely attack back, as would anyone with an ounce of self-respect. There are only two viable choices fight or flee. Unfortunately, in today’s world verbal attacks are commonplace. People are verbally crucified if their opinion differs from another's. These attacks come from the news media, Hollywood celebrities, politicians and most importantly the public.
     You may be against what the Republicans stand for or in total support, but the facts haven’t changed Donald Trump was elected to the Presidential office. You may feel Hillary Clinton should have won the election, but she didn’t.
     I don’t agree with all the decisions made in the last two years but in truth I don’t agree with all the decisions made in the last seventy years. Throughout the years both parties have done some good and some bad but we elected them. No one is perfect, neither political party is perfect. This is not a perfect world.
     Verbal attacks don’t work, just look around. When has someone being verbally attacked said, “Oh! You’re right, why didn’t I know that.” Never, the answer is never.
     As a young child I heard an old proverb, “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” We seem to have forgotten that simple advice. We adults have become a bad example to our children. We have forgotten the basic rule of life, “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” It starts with us to set a better example for our children. They are the future generation.
     This is not to say we should never disagree with others but do it intelligently and respectful.  Hateful verbal comments toward another person won’t get you the desired results, despite your social status in life. Posting hateful or false statements about others on the Internet is a verbal attack. “Just Saying....”

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Being Offended . . . Is it a Choice?

     So many people become offended by others. The truth is you can’t offend anyone, unless they allow you to offend them. That’s crazy talk. You can’t control if you’re offended. Actually you can. We make thousands of decisions/choices everyday. You control your own destiny by your choices. If you turn over your power to choose, to others they control your destiny. No matter what anyone says you have a choice; to be offended or not be offended. After all they’re just words, not stones they’re throwing. If you choose not to be offended you take control of your emotions.
     Most people struggle with this concept. It’s easy to forget that you have the power to choose. I’ve done it often. I wonder what the world would be like if we all chose not to be offended. Here’s what I imagine. Insults would slowly disappear, because there would be no point. People who insult others are looking for a reaction, but if they are ignored, they lose.
     I agree it is unreasonable to expect everyone to do what I’ve suggested. It’s also likely that the harasser will seek other ways to offend people. This post isn’t about people harassing you. It’s about how you react to verbal harassments and it’s not foolproof. I’m simply suggesting that your choices can have a positive affect on your life. When I was young the term ‘grow a thick skin’ was often used by parents which meant don’t let others negative comments take over your life.
     It’s nearly impossible to traverse life without hearing words that may offend your personal beliefs. Sometimes these need to be challenged but more often than not they can be ignored. It’s your choice.  “Just Saying . . . ?”