The idea of the Internet was to provide a system that allowed people to share information and communicate globally. That has been successful, but as with most things there are issues. The collateral damage it has created makes me wonder if it’s worth the trouble. I’m sure you know what I mean by collateral damage so I won’t go into detail.
I’m going to assume that the Internet was setup with good intentions, but that went quickly by the wayside when people start using it to spread hate. It’s unlikely that anyone was surprised because criminals do what they do to advance their agenda. The more surprising and sad part is the role of the average Joe has been infected by this hate. It’s common to see aggressive conversations attacking someone for no reason other than a difference of opinion. Why? Because we are protected by the anonymity of the Internet.
Times have passed where you could sit down and have an intelligent debate with someone on a current hot topic. The truth is those discussions could become heated as well, but the face-to-face conversations kept most people in check.
The Internet has taken those debates out of the bars and town halls to social media sites where there is a no-holds-barred attitude to say anything without recourse.
I’m not sure why some people think it’s okay to act this way, but it seems to be a widespread attitude. We have teachers, policeman and parents that try to keep us in check, but who do we have to keep the Internet trolls in check? No one, but ourselves.
So next time you click on a post to make a comment, do a self check before you post to see if it’s worthwhile. “Just Saying . . . “