Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Homemaker

This is a short piece about a woman who placed a high value on being a great homemaker.


The wrinkles were deep, so Shirley pressed hard on the iron until she heard a scream. 

Her husband arched his back. "Well, if you let me take it off it will be easier."

“Stop squirming," She turned the heat up. "I'm almost done."

Friday, February 25, 2022

A World in Turmoil

War kills progress

Invades our life

Lives pay the price

Lasting memories of tragedy


Under attack

Kyiv bombed

Russia won’t back down

Alarming the world

Injustice kills Justice

NATO must act

Endangered times become normal


Starving the world of peace

Under constant threat

Reliving the past

Victory at hand

Ignorance a bound

Vindication by triumph

Everyone looses 



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Everyday Angels

In difficult times people often talk about needing an angel. A winged mythical,

spiritual messenger sent to protect you. Even those who are not normally religious start to 

wish they had an angel by their side. I’m not sure, it could be a defense mechanism that is


automatically triggered when we feel down, but no one thinks about angels when


everything is going well. 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen an angel, at least not as they are


described. I do believe in angels, but I'd call them everyday angels. You see them at the


grocery store, at the coffee shop, even at the park. They're the people who smile, wave


and engage in a friendly conversation sometimes even offering a helping hand loading


your groceries. 

Everyday angels don’t need wings, they don’t need to deliver a spiritual message,

they just need to distract us from our problems. They are here to uplift our spirit, brighten

our day. They’re not looking for a reward or trophy. Everyday angels don’t know they

are angels. “Just Saying . . . “