Keeping busy seems to be the main objective of most people. We don’t like to be bored, so our plates are full of activities. We equate boredom with doing nothing, but I think it’s different. Sitting alone pondering your life and future is valuable. It might seem like you're doing nothing, but you’re resting your mind and body. Allowing yourself to create and imagine new things that only a quiet mind can hear. There’s no need to be afraid of doing nothing.
I wonder how many people really sit alone thinking without the aid of an electronic device? Very few, I imagine since smartphones have taken over our lives. Our brains are cluttered with many things, so doing nothing will help cleanse your mind. Yes, I’m retired and have more time to do nothing. I can’t argue with that, but we all spend a lot of time on the Internet and social media. Our phones remind us every day of how much time we spend Internet surfing. It could be beneficial to use some of that time doing nothing but thinking.
There’s a saying, “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.” It’s a biblical saying, but I dispute the statement because it’s negative and implies our thoughts always go toward evil. Nothing would be done without thinking about it first. Many problems have been solved as we sit idle, just thinking.
If your concerned about the appearance of doing nothing. Take a walk leave your earbuds at home and let your mind wander while you walk.
So, next time you’re bored, don’t pick up your phone. Turn off all electronics and let your mind wander off to nowhere or everywhere. It might be an enlightening experience. Don't let the appearance of doing nothing keep you from thinking. “Just Saying . . .”