Monday, October 30, 2023

Smart Enough

I’m not smart enough to know all the answers

But I’m smart enough to know right and wrong

Not smart enough to solve world problems

Smart enough to recognize dictators

Not smart enough to prevent world wars

Smart enough to recognize the hurt

Not smart enough to understand the mind of a terrorist

Smart enough to know the fear of their victim

Not smart enough to explain why one death requires three in return

Smart enough to see revenge

Not smart enough to understand collateral damage

Smart enough to know innocent people are dying

Not smart enough to stop hate

Smart enough to know wars aren’t the answer

I’m not smart enough to know all the answers

But I’m smart enough to know what doesn’t work

Friday, October 13, 2023

Service with a smile

With the exception of Chick-fil-A and Trader Joe’s where have you experienced service with a smile? I often get service with a grunt or service with a blank stare, but rarely with a smile. I say rarely, because many older workers are pleasant maybe because they remember how lucky they felt when they got their first job. I’m not saying all young workers are unappreciative of their job, but I’ll stick my neck and I say many make it their goal to show dissatisfaction with their every action. 

    I’m sorry you couldn’t be born into the Kardasian family. Most of us are just regular people, but you can have a good life despite your mediocre financial position. Your attitude has a great impact on your life. You deserve nothing by being born except respect and a chance to succeed. Whatever you receive from your efforts is what you deserve. A smile cost you nothing, a good work ethic shows others you care. You will be there for your whole shift so why not enjoy it by smiling and showing some enthusiasm. There’s no health risk by enjoying your job, in fact there may be a kick of adrenaline from your efforts. 

     We can’t all be born to live in the lap of luxury, but I’m guessing the rich don’t live worry free lives. I don’t know what Chick-fil-A and Trader Joe’s are doing but I want them training all the young people who work in service jobs. “Just Saying . . .”