Sunday, December 31, 2023

Act Happy to be Happy

The first step to being happy is a smile. It’s true whether you believe it or not. I see many people throughout the day that look like they just can’t take another minute of life. Walking zombies who work, but put as little effort into enjoying their job as possible. It seems to be so prevalent that when a smiling face appears, it surprises you. 

     People react differently to a smile, than a blank stare. A smile cost nothing but it reaps great rewards for the customer and you. Everybody feels better when a smile appears. It’s uplifting for everyone and it requires very little effort. But that’s nothing compared to a laugh. When you hear someone laugh you start to smile without even thinking. A smile is pleasant but a laugh is contagious. 

     Isn’t happiness the goal for everyone? If you agree why wait for it to randomly appear. You can jump start it by putting a smile on your face every morning. At first it will seem fake but after a while it will be your go-to look. Strangers will smile back, and your day will feel brighter. There's only one downside to a smile. I caution you, be careful because smiles lead to laughter. You may find yourself talking and laughing with total strangers. Is that possible? Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it can happen.

     I wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope you smile your way through the year. Try it, I promise it doesn’t hurt.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Thanks and Merry Christmas

I’d like to wish everyone on my friends list a Merry Merry Christmas. Each of you has had a positive impact on my life in different ways. I don’t get to see everyone often, but I enjoy those times we get together and the post or comments you write. The world is filled with both positivity and negativity. In my life the positive things outweigh the negative, so that makes me lucky. Just know that you are one of the positive things in my life. Enjoy the holiday and thanks for bringing happiness into other peoples lives. To quote Clark Griswold.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Hap Hap Happy New Year! . . . . Where’s the Tylenol?

Friday, December 8, 2023

Gift of a Lifteme

The little old man sat on a bench near the entrance to a fancy restaurant to meet his daughter for dinner. Every year they met at the same restaurant for his birthday dinner. An evening he looked forward to and cherished, even though they struggled to discuss their lives. It was difficult because they had different views but were the same in other ways. Both were stubborn but she was also sensitive when her dad tried to give her advice. Something he was aware of but found difficult to control. They both had similar personalities, Lottie knew this and it bothered her. Their likeness didn’t make them gel. The issues each had were a bad combination for starting a friendly conversation. 

Conrad, the old man, told himself he would not be judgmental and do his best to

keep his words light and friendly. His daughter, Charlotte, lived out of town and was always busy, but this was not uncommon for a single mother of three girls. He called her Lottie as did most people. 

It was a chilly night, but still, Conrad didn’t mind waiting outside for Lottie to

arrive. Since she was always prompt he knew she would be here in a few minutes. But that night was different, Lottie didn’t show up. Conrad eventually moved inside after an hour to wait in the warmth on a comfortable chair. He didn’t call her because she rarely answered her phone. She preferred texting, and he didn’t text. 

About a half hour passed when a police officer entered the restaurant turned

to the old man and asked. “Are you waiting for your daughter?”

“Yes, I am. Is everything okay?”

“Is your daughter Charlotte?”

“Yes, but I call her Lottie.”

“She’s doing fine, but she’s in the hospital.”

“Oh! God no. What happened?”

“Well, the baby decided to come early.”

“Baby . . . I . . I didn’t know.”

“I can take you there if you like.”

“Yes, please. Thank you very much.”

The officer drove him to the hospital and dropped him off at the main entrance.

Conrad made his way to the maternity ward, but Lottie was in labor so Conrad waited

outside her room. Everything turned out fine, although it wasn’t an easy delivery. Lottie had a new baby, a boy, her only boy. His sisters would be thrilled. They wanted a brother. 

Conrad was happy for her, but a little uncomfortable because they hadn’t been

close for a while. He didn’t want to screw this up. It was important to be there for her, but sometimes his words got jumbled up and misunderstood. 

He sat in the waiting room, trying to think of the right words to say, while going

in and out of sleep. When Conrad woke a young man was sitting next to him. The old man introduced himself.

“I’m Conrad. My daughter just had a baby.”

The man stuck out his hand. “I’m Stan. My girlfriend is here.”

“I feel so stupid. I didn’t even know my daughter was pregnant.” Conrad rubbed

his eyes.

“Sometimes men are clueless. So, don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“I only see her once a year, but I miss her every day,” Conrad continued. “We’ve

had a contentious relationship, so I don’t know what I’m expected to do or say.”

Stan leaned over. “Just say what’s in your heart. Don’t overthink it.”

Just then the doctor came out and said Lottie was ready for visitors.

They both stood and Conrad gave a puzzled look at Stan.

Stan patted him on the shoulder and said, “Happy Birthday, Conrad. Lottie is my

fiancĂ©. Time to meet your first grandson. Now there are two Conrads in the family.”