Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Women’s clothes versus men’s

Technology has provided us with some amazing inventions including the washer and dryer with many different washing selections such as delicate, gentle, color etc.  Prior to these our ancestors would use washboards even beating the clothes with sticks or on rocks to clean their laundry.  There was no gentle cycle on a rock or stick.

With all the selections on these high tech washers and dryers it would seem like every possibility would be covered and all clothes could be safely washed and dried without concern of damage. Yet, I’ve come to find out it is only true regarding men’s clothes (regardless of the label recommendations).  Generally, women’s clothing do not go in the dryer even if it’s made of the same material as men’s clothes.  Very few of my wife’s clothes go in the high tech dryer, they must be draped over chairs or laid carefully on the carpet to dry in order to keep the dreaded wrinkles from developing.   We do own multiple irons (also with many different settings), which I understand easily remove wrinkles.  I have used the iron on occasion mainly for dress shirts at least the part of the shirt that is visible to others, I mean really what’s the point of ironing the whole shirt if it’s covered by a jacket.   Being age 65, I have some wrinkles and I laid on the floor many times but that failed to remove any of my wrinkles so there's no way I'm going to drape myself over a chair or use an iron.  I'm not put off, scared or embarrassed by wrinkles so if you see a guy proudly walking around St. Charles in a wrinkled T-shirt it could be me.

I have always been told don’t mix colors and whites in the washer.  I understand and abide by this when the clothes are new but I’m confused because I would think that after a certain number of washes the colored clothes would no longer bleed on to the whites.  I’m not sure what that number is but I’m willing to take the chance with my clothes.  What’s the worst that could happen, well I might end up with a pink T-shirt instead of white but if anyone questions my color choice, I’ll just tell them it’s not pink it’s wrinkled salmon.  “Just Saying…..”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wouldn't use an iron on your face Jim. Might I suggest steam?