Monday, July 21, 2014

A Challenge - "No Complaint Friday"

     People complain all the time; it’s just human nature when things aren’t going your way.  But does it help, only occasionally at least that's how it works for me.  In fact I’ve noticed the best days are when I have the fewest complaints.  I admit some complaints are justified; you know the old saying “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”, which is true in some cases.

     So I was wondering what would it be like if I lived my life without complaining, even better what would it be like if everyone in the world stopped complaining.  I assume it would be amazing but this is the impossible dream.  It would be a world without disputes of any kind, which is hard to imagine. 

     That is not reality and it never will be but maybe we could have just one day we set aside in which we could live without complaints.  That means no complaining about getting up for work, a lost promotion, the price of gas, a snarky waitress, the annoying drivers to and from work, your husband stinking up the bathroom, your wife’s spilled nail polish in the car, your kids muddy footprints on the carpet and wall, Huh! or  a young girl driving 23 MPH on highway while texting, I could go on & on but you get the picture.  Actually that’s a pretty big goal but I think it’s worth a try.  We need to start small let’s say no verbal complaints or jesters even whispers of complaints. We will ignore mental complaining, that’s just asking too much.

     You might ask what good does this do, well for one thing it will help you feel better and everyone else you meet that day. It’s only one day, 24 hours and you’ll be sleeping 8 so really it’s only 16 waking hours.  Let’s try this on Friday Jul 25, 2014.  I picked Friday because it’s the last day of the workweek so you should already be in a good mood.  We’re not striving for perfection so if you slip and find yourself complaining don’t give it up as a lost cause, start over and over if necessary.   Once you finish the day congratulate yourself for the success you’ve made.  If this works for you might make it a goal to have one “No Complaint Day” each month.

     If you like this idea pass it alone to others so they too can have a complaint free day, if you don’t like the idea keep your thoughts to yourself, I don’t want to hear your complaints.

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