Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Politicians and their Egos

     Politicians seem like an odd bunch to me.  They initially promote themselves by saying what they intend to do for our country and it's citizens but their actions lead you to believe that's it what they can do for themselves.  Yes, they live their lives under a microscope but they know that before signing up.  

     Obama cameos on David Letterman, Michelle Obama on Night Shift, Parks and Recreation, Nashville, Late Night, John Kerry taking selfies with an elephant, Joe Biden on Late Night.  These celebrity appearances have been going on for awhile so the Obama's administration didn't start this but they certainly have adapted to it well.  

     The thing is for me it takes something away from the prestigious office of the President or First Lady to appear on a TV show especially when they participating in a skit.  Is the Presidency just stepping stone for their next career as a TV personality?  In the distant past you seen the President on TV but it was for a state of the union address or a news report on a national issue.  Now, I think it's great to see the President or First Lady on the news promoting humanitarian issues, health concerns, a college commencement speech or sponsoring other important issues for the American public.  Maybe I'm showing my age but seeing the President or First Lady on a TV comedy seems to devalue their office.

     Some say this is the new way politicians can use TV (pop culture smart) but is this what we want.  The Guardian states of Michelle Obama "Her many TV cameos to date have revealed that Michelle Obama is a pretty good actor: she is skilled at playing herself in the role of herself."  Really! she is good a playing herself, Amazing!  Yeah, that's what I want see on a TV series, Michelle Obama playing herself, not really.

     Who I would like to see elected is non-politicians, someone without a personal agenda to promote themselves.  We need people in the high political positions that are not concerned about their political future but just wants to do the right thing; someone that will not be influenced by the lobbyist.  The problem with my wish is that it is unlikely that the pubic will elect such a person because they will be too influenced by the promises of the career politicians.  "Just Saying...."  

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