Holidays can be stressful if you let them but try looking for the
funny side even a mishap can be funny. I always look for the lighter side
of a situation and live for laughter, maximum laughter. Some of you may
think that's an odd way to approach life but I say more people need to try it.
Laughter releases endorphins, which elevates your mood to give you a more
positive outlook.
There are many old wives tales like "You are what you
eat", "Look for the silver lining", "An apple a day keeps
the doctor away" etc. I can't vouch for all of theses sayings
but I do my best to always look for the silver lining because I believe you
will find what you are looking for, whether i's a silver lining or a black
As I look around it seems like more people are looking for a black
cloud and guess what they find it, which further tarnishes their outlook on
life and depresses them. This is not perfect world and why would anyone
expect that, but the imperfections can be funny if we search for the humor.
This world is tense as we see on the news every night so maybe it's time
we search for the laughter. I know, everything is not funny but we take
many things too seriously when we should really be laughing at a situation or at
If you are ever involved in a serious
conversation that is getting out of hand try throwing some humor in the
argument to lighten up the tension, it’s an easy way to redirect the
conversation and ease the stress. It
doesn’t have to be hilarious; it can be something goofy, just something to
knock people off the tension track. The
truth is in a heated argument people stop listening to each other so humor
helps you take control.
Maybe if more people were searching for laughter there would be less angry people in the world. So here is my New Years recommendation for 2016 to make it a better year.
Maybe if more people were searching for laughter there would be less angry people in the world. So here is my New Years recommendation for 2016 to make it a better year.
“Look for the Silver Lining and Search
for Maximum Laughter.”
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