Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Too much, Too little or Just right

     There seems to be a lot of information sent out telling us how to stay healthy.  This information is appreciated but there is so much it can be overwhelming.   We are told sitting too much is not good for you so we now have desk that you can stand at but standing is hard on your back so that's not the answer.  

     Let's not forget to keep our brain active as well.  There are many Internet sites that show you brain games to play, so this is good but do you sit, stand or walk when you play these brain games.   Well we have all been warned about texting while driving or walking so that only leaves sitting or standing.  How about lying down to read, is that bad?  We are told to get 8 hours of sleep and I can't vouch for others but I sleep lying down, I guess horses are better off because they sleep standing up. That doesn't seem restful to me.

     Staying fit and healthy will extend your life.  I believe that’s true but if staying healthy is stressful it may not be so.   I read recently about the small town Acciaroli in Italy (near Naples) where 300 of the 1000 residents are at least 100 years old. 

     The people in this town don’t live the Jillian Michaels healthy lifestyle but they are living a long life. They do walk a lot and eat a Mediterranean diet but they also smoke and many are heavy; by our standards they would be considered fat.  But there’s one other thing they spend time laughing and socializing in this beach town, Hmm, I wonder if this is a factor. Of course, good genetics could be a factor but there has to be other influences. 

      So it is important not to sit, stand or eat too much and don’t walk too little.  I recommend following the Goldilocks rule and find out what’s “Just Right” for you.

     It might be that the key ingredient in a long life is socializing, “laughing it up” but even if I’m wrong about, you will have a fun life.  "Just Saying...."

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