Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Slowing Down

     The weather was beautiful the other morning, cool and dry. Uncharacteristic for St. Louis, but welcome.  I took the opportunity to get a second cup of coffee and sit on the deck enjoying the weather and the sounds of nature.  Very relaxing, but stimulating as well.

     My mind was engaged with thoughts of gratitude.  I felt lucky that I was able to enjoy a pleasant morning without worries.  A gentle wind blew though the trees, squirrels ran across the fence and a cardinal flew to a branch in our oak tree.  I've heard that's a good sign but I don't know for sure.

     What I do know is that we all deserve a few days without worries.  It's too much to expect a life without worries but when you see the chance to slow down and appreciate your life, take it. There are many people living hectic even dangerous lives with no control over their surroundings.  This is a sad reality so if you have a chance to slow things down a little, do it, you won't regret it.

     There are a lot of things to appreciate in life, you just have to pay attention.  Achieving goals are important but if you slow down and notice the world around you, your achievements will be enhanced.  "Just Saying...."

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