Thursday, July 14, 2016

Observations from an Outsider

     I have the distinct pleasure of being an observer of life. This is something I've always done but without the freedom or flexibility I now have as a retired senior. The title says these observations are from an outsider and as a senior I sometimes feel like an outsider. This outsider title is not thrust upon me but merely a fact of life.

     The world is run by the younger generation, which is the way it should be but sometimes I am ashamed for the state of the world we seniors have left to our children. World leaders possess a talent only for power and self-promotion. Values like honesty, trustworthiness, honor and respect seem forgotten, but I'm hopeful they are not lost.

     The term civil service was coined years ago to describe a person giving their time to serve the public. This is an honorable gesture but I believe the definition is no longer accurate. We need drastic changes in this country and throughout the world. People are unhappy with their governments and the future.

     These are turbulent times but violence just fuels the downward spiral of the world. I believe there is more good than evil. However, the evil forces seem to have an attraction to people weaken by despair or those seeking to become infamous.

     As an outside observer I won't be running for office but I will support candidates that possess the values our nation needs. I'm not foolish enough to think this post will change anything about the world but I do hope this message can inspire someone.

      Maybe each of us individually can't change the world but together we have a chance. Let’s start by living everyday a little bit better than the day before. "Just Saying......"

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Future State of the World

     It's apparent to me that the world has changed in a way that paints a bleak future. Our job as adults should be to make the world a better place for our children. We are failing miserably. Sure, technologically we are far better off than in years past, but we have lost ground in almost every other aspect of life.

     We worship status, value only money and monetary success. We are ultra-sensitive and unwilling to forgive. Attack on another person’s character has replaced forgiveness. We all make mistakes but in today's society you will not be forgiven but virally crucified on the Internet.

     There are honorable people; I see them everyday but they are rarely recognized for their actions because only the notorious receive notoriety. The news media keeps us well informed of the world tragedies, which they have always done but it's different than when I grew up because of the 24-hour news we have today.

     Religious values are forgotten or twisted to support a personal agenda. I'm not speaking about attending church services; I'm referring to how you treat others. You can be a vigilant church goer but if you disrespect others throughout the week, you are merely getting your ticket punched for attending church. This does not make you a better person. Your brand of religion is irrelevant. What's important is how you treat others throughout your life.

     There are too many examples of people disrespecting others. Just look at politics and the current US presidential race. The "all about me" attitude that exists today is a bad sign of the future. Lets do our best to reverse this trend and start treating others with respect. "Just Saying...."