I have the distinct pleasure of being an observer of life. This is
something I've always done but without the freedom or flexibility I now have as
a retired senior. The title says these observations are from an outsider and as
a senior I sometimes feel like an outsider. This outsider title is not thrust
upon me but merely a fact of life.
The world is run by the younger generation, which is the way it
should be but sometimes I am ashamed for the state of the world we seniors have
left to our children. World leaders possess a talent only for power and self-promotion.
Values like honesty, trustworthiness, honor and respect seem forgotten, but I'm
hopeful they are not lost.
The term civil service was coined years ago to describe a person
giving their time to serve the public. This is an honorable gesture but I
believe the definition is no longer accurate. We need drastic changes in this
country and throughout the world. People are unhappy with their governments and
the future.
These are turbulent times but violence just fuels the downward
spiral of the world. I believe there is more good than evil. However, the evil
forces seem to have an attraction to people weaken by despair or those seeking
to become infamous.
As an outside observer I won't be running for office but I will
support candidates that possess the values our nation needs. I'm not foolish
enough to think this post will change anything about the world but I do hope this
message can inspire someone.
Maybe each of us individually can't change the world but together
we have a chance. Let’s start by living everyday a little bit better than the
day before. "Just Saying......"
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