Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Friend or Unfriend

     The last few months have been interesting to say the least. Each day we came closer to the presidential election passionate opinions heightened and people became agitated with others. Some people on Facebook unfriended others because their opinions differed. Really, what would you learn if you didn't listen to people with opposite viewpoints? It would be like living on an island without access to the world. Progress would be limited or more likely static.

    I'm puzzled as to why anyone would unfriend someone because of a difference of opinion. Maybe you weren't a true friend if you aren't willing to listen. Even more confusing are the meaningless threats heard from some, mainly celebrities, who claim they will leave the country if certain things happen. Guess what, no one believes you or even cares. Where would you go and have a better life than here in the United States?

     I will never unfriend you because you opinion is important to me. I may not agree but I will listen. Why? Because, I may learn something from you. You learn more from someone with differences than someone with similarities. If we're not learning we're decaying.

     I've learned a few things over my 68 years and one thing I know is that in political campaigns, candidates make outrageous claims to get media attention. They are rarely held to these outrageous claims. If you've been around awhile you know that. 

     At the end of the day, the president's job is to represent the American public, so it's important to let it be known what is important to us.

     Today is a sunny day and this country has a bright future. If you don't agree, that's fine because you are a friend and I will always be around to listen to your viewpoint. "Just Saying...."

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