Monday, February 13, 2017

The Most Important Thing in Life

     Have you ever wondered what's the most important thing your life? I have and I bet it is the same for both of us. A positive connection to others is what I seek, not just the art of communication but making a real connection with other people.

     I had a friend ask me how many people will you meet in your lifetime, a million? I don't know the answer. Meeting a million people would be amazing but it's just a number. I think a number that's even more meaningful is the number of people you connect with even in a casual way.

     So many people today voice their opinion but they're not trying to connect with people they want people to conform to their ideas. They want the stage to promote their beliefs without listening to others. A big part of connecting with others is listening to them, which takes an open mind. Little kids are great at making connections, they are open to connecting with anyone. Somewhere in life this openness is replaced with suspicion.

     I can't say everyone believes connecting to others is the most important thing in life. I know there are people that want nothing to do with others and would be glad to live their life out in solitude. But I believe that's a small number by comparison. Maybe the reason they want nothing to do with others is because of too many broken connections. "Just Saying...."

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