Monday, June 18, 2018

Saturday Writers 2017 Anthology

Sins and Virtues Anthology Signing

Monday, July 9th 6:30 pm at Spencer Road Library

Registration Link

Throughout the year Saturday Writers holds monthly writing contest. The winning stories go into a yearly publication of the clubs Anthology. I have one flash fiction story in the book. All the stories are from local writers.


The Anthology signing for our 2017 Anthology, Sins and Virtues, will be held at the Spencer Road Library, Monday, July 9, at 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Come out and help celebrate the release of our latest anthology which includes 83 stories, essays, and poems from 28 authors.


All guests are encouraged to register via the library link included.

Pre-registration helps the library determine the room size and aids their planning of the event. Come over and spend an evening with Saturday Writers, even if you forget to register, we’ll still try to find a seat for you.

The format for this year's signing will start with a Q&A panel and several readings. Participants for the panel and readings were selected based on the number of winning entries and have already been notified. We will end the night with a book signing that includes all attending contributors.

If you would like to buy a copy of the 2017 Anthology but won’t be able to attend the signing, click the link below.

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