Friday, December 7, 2018

What’s wrong with living more responsibly?

     One of the big topics these days is about climate change and how we, the world population, contribute to the problem. There are two sides to the argument. One says human beings and their lifestyle are the reason for these changes. The other side says climate changes are exaggerated and that the changes occurring are not unusual and have little impact from humans.
     I’m not an expert but I see the pictures of polluted oceans and skies. Still I’m not sure how much of that contributes to climate change, but what’s wrong with us living as responsible individuals.
     Leave no trace is an guideline for outdoor ethics to promote conservation. It simply means minimize you negative impact on this earth by leaving only your footprints in nature.
     How much effort does it take to make responsible choices? How will this help I can’t answer? But I know it won’t hurt. There have been other times in history when pollution was worse and changes were made with a positive impact. Preserving our planet is worthwhile goal. Small changes to our lives will have a positive impact. How big is to be determined but isn’t worth the effort? “Just Saying . . . “

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