Friday, July 5, 2019

Random Encounters

     Did you ever wonder why you unexpectedly run into people that end up changing your life? It maybe a minor change but a still has an effect on your life. Is this a random encounter or did you subconsciously initiate it?
     Everyone that you interact plays a part in your life. Most of the time we fail to realize it or ignore it. Does our reaction to the encounter drive the next encounter? If it’s a positive connection is it more likely the next will also be positive? And vice versa?
     If you believe that one action drives another maybe it’s not a stretch to believe positive and negative actions attract the same. If this is true then it means we can control our destiny by how we react to daily situations.
     If you constantly put yourself in negative situations or hang with negative people you are likely to continue that pattern until you are firmly enplanted into that lifestyle. The longer you continue this pattern the more comfortable you become with it, despite the disadvantages.
     To improve your life you have to change your patterns and the people or situations that lock you into your current lifestyle..?
     People or situations can bring you down or build you up. Choose the latter. Successful people associate with other successful people. Spiritual people hang out with other spiritual people. You associate with the people that have similar likes and desires but you’re not limited to one category. You can be a successful, spiritual, athletic or whatever you desire. “Just Saying. . . .”

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