Thursday, December 12, 2019

Too Much

     Is there something to the saying, “Too much of a good thing is bad.” News is good, basically, but is it necessary to be bombarded with it 24/7? Don’t we need some downtime from news overload? I do. What are the negative effects of too much news?
     Electronics has changed our lives with the invention of smart phones, which led to a whole array of electronic devices. It has improved our lives in some ways, but we now seem to be under constant surveillance. There’s too many people and things watching us. While it’s true many of these devices are meant to protect us but they also invade our personal space. It seems like it’s too much of an intrusion for the benefits we receive.
     Bacon is the exception to this rule. There is never too much bacon. No one ever says, “No more bacon for me. I’ve had enough.”
     There is too much reality TV. One episode is more than adequate. Anything beyond that is too much. Think about it, why would anyone care about the characters on “Big Brother.” It’s been on TV for over 20 years, but I don’t understand why.
     But, let’s get back to bacon. It enhances everything. Salads are healthy and many have bacon bits. Bacon on burgers was a historic idea. Chocolate covered bacon. Who would turn that down? No one I know.
     I’ve noticed a lot of people protesting. It’s a good way to voice your objections. But, sometimes it turns into complaining, even worse whining. Politicians do a lot of whining. Too much whining, that’s all I’m saying.
     I know this all may be too much to think about, but remember, we‘ll always have bacon. “Just Saying . . .”


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