Thursday, July 16, 2020

Laugh with Strangers

There are things we all miss during these quarantine times. I’m sure it’s different for each of us, but equally difficult. Family and friends are most important to me, which I’m sure many would agree. So if you can still visit with them without concern that’s a great thing. It’s likely that many of people miss dining out, gathering at a bar to watch a game or going to some large social event. I believe these will return in time, but I guess we have to be patient, which can be difficult. More difficult than one might have expected.
     Laughter lightens the mood, so for me it’s important to find something to laugh about every day. It can be difficult for some people especially for those that live alone, but thankfully I have my family to give me a chuckle.
     The laughter I miss is a laugh with a stranger. I’m social and I talk with strangers all the time. Many times those short conversations give me an unexpected laugh. I miss those laughs and that connection. I hope this pandemic doesn’t cause people to distance themselves from strangers forever because they’ll be giving up those unexpected laughs. “Just Saying . . .”

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