Monday, September 21, 2020

Our Gut Reaction

Have you noticed the first reaction of many people is negative? I read a post on Nextdoor just this morning. They were wondering about the sirens they heard on Highway 94. They asked if they were related to the shooting on Main Street in St. Charles. This lead to a series of response about a shooting that can’t be verified and how sad and dangerous it is to do normal things like going to a bar or restaurant.

     I’ve heard many sirens in my life and most were related to a traffic accident or incident. Why would someone assume hearing a siren equates to a shooting? It’s possible, but unlikely. Maybe it’s the times we live in that attributes to us expecting the worst. 

     The world is filled with glass half empty and glass half full people. There always was and always will be, but right now there seems to be a growing trend for our gut reaction to be negative. And many times there’s no facts to support the negative response.

     Let me say one thing, it doesn’t help to look at every situation in a negative light. Just my opinion, but I think it damages your attitude. At the same time looking at life through rose-colored glasses isn’t without fault. Having the facts about a situation would be helpful before you throw out a random warning. “Just Saying . . .”


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