Monday, February 22, 2021

We want your opinion

Every time I purchase something online I receive an email asking me to rate the service, etc. I understand that in order to provide a good product and service a company needs feedback. It becomes annoying because what they want is to receive top marks for everything. If you give them a negative mark, they ask you to write down the problem. This all sounds good on the surface, but it can be time consuming for the customer.

     They use this information to promote their website by validating the customers satisfaction. I don’t know about everyone but I can tell you it’s a lot less stressful to check all the boxes as excellent, because no explanation is needed. That being the case I wonder how accurate those statistics are. The approach I now take is not to answer any request for feedback on a product I purchased, except when the service or product is substandard. On occasion if the vendor goes above and beyond the norm, I will give them positive feedback.

     My expectations are that the product I buy will be delivered on time and a quality to match the price. That’s their job. Why do I have to compliment them for doing what I paid them to do? Does your boss come around everyday and compliment you for every little task you do? I think not. Trust me, if somethings gone haywire with my purchase I will let you know, so if you don’t hear from me just assume you did a good job. “Just Saying . . .?”

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