Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Look for the Joy

Life is short and too precious to be brought down negativity. This world is not perfect and it never will be, but if you let the bad things take over your life the joy will leave you. I decided it’s time for me make the best of life by doing what I like, learning new things, spending time with family or friends. 

     We all like to be entertained, that’s why we watch television, go to concerts, comedy theaters and watch sports. The list of things that entertain us is long. I am not interested in being bombarded with political opinions in my entertainment choices, so I have been watching less network television. For me there’s too many shows that feel they need to preach their message. I watch TV to be entertained. If I wanted a sermon on a social issue, I would seek it out, but it would not be from Hollywood. 

     Lucky for me I have other interest that fill my life, so if all the negative junk on the Internet or TV bothers me, I simply turn them off.

     There’s many fun and interesting things to do or see in life, so I will not waste my time. This is my choice, it can be your choice too.

     Turn off the TV and turn on your life. “Just saying . . .”

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