People learn in different ways, some ways are easier than others, but as long as you learn you’re good to go. Although, you’ll have less trouble if you watch and learn versus making mistakes to learn. I’m like most people in that I’ve learned lessons both ways. But as I’ve aged I’m starting to understand it’s less troublesome for me to learn by observing, rather than diving into troubled waters.
Emotions are tricky and we all have an emotion that is troublesome. Anger and impatience are two that come to mind. Impatience is one emotion that drives anger but there are many triggers for anger. Many people blame others saying, “They made me angry, I can’t help it.” It’s not easy but we always have a choice, so it helps if you reject anger. Yes, it’s possible but difficult. Your anger may be spring loaded to go off, so take baby steps to fix it or any emotion that bothers you.
Worry is the emotion that bothers me. I worry about people and events that are usually out of my control. I know worry doesn’t solve the problem, but it still persist even though I push it away. It takes work to fix your emotions but it’s worth the time.
Choices define your actions and reactions to every situation give you the opportunity to make a new a better choice. Use these opportunities to make a better life for yourself. “Just Saying . . .”
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