Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Factory Settings

I’ve heard many times that if you have a problem with appliances or electronics the easiest way to solve the problem is to reset the appliance back to the original factory settings. It seems like a good solution since you have probably struggled trying to fix the issue in other ways without success. 

     It’s the perfect backup plan when all else fails. Knowing this gives you some peace of mind. So, Mimi and I were discussing the aches and pains that come with aging. We decided that the best thing to do is have our bodies reset to the original factory settings. It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request since we’ve done our best to stay healthy by exercising and eating right. Factory setting are a fail safe.

     So please accept this post as our official request to give our bodies a complete factory reset. And as we all know there have been a number of changes since we first arrived, so if you can please include all the software upgrades that would be appreciated. “Just Saying . . .”

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