Tuesday, May 30, 2023

My Philosophy

I believe in God, but I don’t believe my God has to be yours. If your God makes you a better person you’re on the right path.

In life there are the rich, poor and in between. There always was and there always will be. We should help others when we can, but it’s not the obligation of society to equalize life. Individuals are expected to take responsibility for their own lives.

People make mistakes, everyone does. It’s how you grow and learn. Mistakes should be forgiven as long as the person shows they are still learning.

There are repercussions and rewards in life. Each are valuable if it gives you a learning experience.

Don’t be fooled by passing fads. People or groups will try to guilt you into changing if you have a different viewpoint. 

Change is not bad, but that doesn’t mean change is always good. 

Your rights do not supersede another’s rights. All people have value including unborn children.

Children need firm guidance but with kindness. They are individuals, but also a reflection of yourself. Children perpetuate life, we need them. Boys and girls become men and women we need both. There was no mistake in your birth, you were born the way you were meant yo be. Don’t over think it.

Be kind to others no matter the choices they’ve made.

Enjoy life. No one knows for sure what comes next.

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