Monday, November 4, 2024

Being Grandpa

Being a grandpa is a privilege. It means you’ve made it through life’s struggles and adventures, but survived. You may have a few scars inside and out, but they are now like a badge to represent your achievements.

     A grandpa is not always politically correct, actually it’s rare when he is on point with his advice. No one will question him about that, except grandma, whom he usually ignores.

     Life was different when grandpa was young, people were more direct. They weren’t mean, but they didn’t fluff up their comments to hide the meaning because someone might be offended. They said what they believed and you could take it or leave it. People are different now. They seem to be guarded, always searching for words that offend them. Grandpas don’t fit in very well, because they speak their mind and some people get offended. It isn’t intended to offend, but it’s your choice to be offended. 

     Maybe that’s the way of life. The older you get the less you are valued. Sure grandpa does things the old way, but the new way is not always the best. I think it would help if more young people would listen to their grandpa without writing him off just because he’s old. We all have something of value to say, old and young. Listening isn’t a bad way of connecting with each other. No body is right all the time. Grandpas should listen too.

     What would happen if we all listened to someone with a different opinion?  I mean really listen to understand. We may still disagree, but we might understand better. What would be better than a world of understanding people? “Just Saying . . .”


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