Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Extremely Passionate or Just Extreme

     I admire people who are passionate about things in life and somewhat envious at times.  I have always had a job (thankfully) and strong beliefs on various topics, but I was never truly passionate about them as some people are today.  It appears that pursuit of a passion motivates people and drives them forward which fulfills their life in a positive way.  This world needs these passionate people.

     On the other hand we have extremists who seem to have similar passion and motivation but lacks the positive prospective that a passionate person has.

     I appears to me people with a passion are open to discussions about the topics whereas extremists don’t want to hear your opinion if differs from theirs.  Conversing with a passionate person can be enlightening, informative and enjoyable because it’s a two-way conversation. 

     Unfortunately the same cannot be said about a conversation with extremists since it always seems to be aggressively one-directional.  I rarely try to engage an extremist in conversation since my opinions will never be allowed.  I consider it fruitless to argue when my opinions won’t be considered.  On occasion I might accidently stumbled into a discussion with someone that has a fanatical opinion but not often.  Sometimes the news media will interview extremists of opposing opinions, that’s’ always a train wreck providing no worthwhile information.  It just seems to just solidify the argument of both parties.

     People with passion are open-minded but extremists are closed off to others opinions.  It seems possible for passionate of people to morph into extremists but the road back from extremism to passion seems more unlikely.  I’ve noticed the topics of debate that create the most tension are generally religion, politics or personal rights. 

     Freedom of speech is a right we have in the US, which I value.  Fanatics and extremists aren’t interested in others opinions, so be passionate with your beliefs but listen to others they may have something worthwhile to say.  “Just Saying…..”

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