Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Social Conscience

     It seems to me that all of us need to be socially responsible but those blessed with great wealth and influence requires a greater responsibility to have social awareness and conscience.  In reality it appears it's the opposite.  Politicians, entertainers, sports celebrities, world leaders, executives, corporations, etc. are in the news frequently but not in a flattering way.  Many are apologetic when they are caught with their pants down (figuratively speaking of course) but not in a genuine way.  Most seem arrogant and entitled because they are in a position of power but they are only powerful because we give them power.  It's time to take the power back from those that don't deserve it.  Don't get me wrong their are some people with influential positions that show they truly have a social conscience even in the entertainment field.  We all make mistakes in life so I won’t write any one off for a few past indiscretions but continuing this pattern seems to represent a lack of social conscience.

     We all need heroes to inspire us but choose someone worthy, throughout the different stages of your life.  As a young child your parents are your heroes, so parents need to provide a good example.  In school, teachers, sometimes other students might have a great influence over your decisions.  As we get older it appears people in the entertainment field have a big impact on young adults, but many times it is in a negative direction.  I would love to think that some of the actions of these self-indulgent celebrities would diminish their following but it doesn't appear that it has.  The bottom line is that while traveling though life we will choose people to admire and there are many worthy choices but there are also many unworthy as well.  The choice of whom you admire is always yours and you can change those choices at any time.

     So how can we be a positive impact, well I don’t have all the answers but I can tell you what my personal objectives are.  I will not support those in power that are not socially responsible.  I will not buy their music, see the movies, vote them into office, buy their sports memorabilia, etc.  It is the best way I see to get the message out to them by affecting their $ income.  Now I know I’m just one person and my boycott alone will not affect them but it’s my small way of affecting change and it makes me feel more pro-active.  I welcome your thoughts and ideas.  “Just Saying …”

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