Friday, June 27, 2014

One of the most difficult things in life - Change

      It seems many people are afraid of change since it takes you out of your comfort zone.  Many times the older you get the more resistant you are to changes.  I get that but I also found that accepting change widens your comfort zone which brings you new and sometimes exciting adventures.
      Change doesn’t happen automatically, it only happens when you initiate the change by changing your life patterns.  You can be the person now that you want to be tomorrow.  Continuing to do things the same way over and over will get the same results over and over.  Opportunities are all around us but we don’t see them because we get stuck in our comfortable lifestyle.  Changing your lifestyle will bring new opportunities and people into your life.
     When is the best time to make changes?   The answer is always now, because time passes quickly and before you know it years can pass without changes.  Fear of the unknown keeps many of us from making changes, it has happened to me.  We all have different personalities and we should never compare ourselves to others because we have different strengths and talents.  Some people seem to know their life goals and are comfortable with their choices but others may not and still others may change goals constantly.   Some people seem to welcome change and happily engage it, I have always envied that because I struggled with changes but I learned to make small changes that were not too far out of my comfort zone and I felt good about it.  I learned to appreciate my abilities and forced myself to accept or initiate changes in small doses.
      Making a change does not mean it has to be permanent, but it could lead to something that brings you more satisfaction.  Avoiding change could mean you are missing an opportunity.  I found the more I accepted change the more comfortable I became with changes and even looked forward to changes.
      If you want to make a change in your life do something different to get the ball rolling in that direction, don’t just wait for things to change.  You have more control and better results if you make things happen by making changes in your approach.  This applies to career changes and personal life changes.   It's never too late, I have friends that have made major career changes late in life and could not be happier with their new career choice.   The most important advice I can give is don't wait, Do it now.  "Just Saying…"

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