Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Decision – It only takes a second

     We make thousands of decisions everyday; it only takes a second.  Many are minor decisions that we make without thinking because they have become automatic.  We live a hurried life but everything we do, every step we take is a decision.  Do I go left or right fast or slow, these simple and easy decisions that become automatic. 

     It only takes a second to make a rash decision or a considerate decision but the consequences could last a lifetime. Multi tasking distracts us, which adds more decisions to the mix.  The electronic world complicates and hinders our decision making.  Telephones beg for our attention and require us to make decisions quickly.  Be focused, it only takes a second, because some decisions that appear to be minor could have a major impact on yourself or others. 

     If someone is drunk, high, distracted, they are likely to make impaired decisions.  When your brain isn’t working on all it’s cylinders your decisions will likely reflect that.  This is a good time for a friend to step in and assist  by helping them with a decision, it only takes a second.

     You can make someone’s day with a thoughtful decision.  We can change our decision patterns.  Take little steps, it’s easy and eventually it becomes automatic.  Do you have time to think about others?  Pay it forward with thoughtful decisions, besides what’s the big hurry.  Live everyday a little bit better than the day before by making considerate decisions.   “Just Saying…”

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