No one
wants to be judged by others, I hear it all the time. People say don't
judge me, you don't know me but What if your job is a Judge? I think
people mis-understand something. Many times it's your actions are being
judged not you as a person. We have all made mistakes, possibly did
something dumb that we regret and someone else likely judged those actions but
it was the action not the person being judged.
Whenever you go for a job interview you go knowing you are going to be judged, it's the same when you are up for a job promotion. What about going on a first date, I suspect that both parties are judging each other by their actions. If you hire a contractor you make a judgment before you choose one then again after the work us complete. Let's say you get a recommendation for a restaurant, you will end up judging the meal, the service, the cleanliness and depending on the dining experience possibly the actual recommendation.
Whenever you go for a job interview you go knowing you are going to be judged, it's the same when you are up for a job promotion. What about going on a first date, I suspect that both parties are judging each other by their actions. If you hire a contractor you make a judgment before you choose one then again after the work us complete. Let's say you get a recommendation for a restaurant, you will end up judging the meal, the service, the cleanliness and depending on the dining experience possibly the actual recommendation.
Now I agree that we often judge people wrongly, only to find out
circumstances explain their actions. However, I have to ask what would
this world be like if no one was judged for their actions. Chaotic is the first thought I
had, just imagine everyone would do whatever they wanted without consequences.
It seems obvious to me that you shouldn't judge people because of
differences like race, religion, physical looks, ethnic traditions, etc.
However, judging people for their actions is necessary to live in a
civilized society. We all
deserve second chances so it's important to understand that but if someone
continuously makes bad decisions it is likely that you will be judged as well
as your actions. "Just Saying…”