Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Still Funny after All these Years

     People change as they age, it inevitable.  Your looks change, your muscle tone decreases, your hair turns grey (I prefer to call mine “light black”) and thins, etc.  There are however a few traits that seem to stay constant and sometimes improve, one of those is humor. 

     Age tends to slow us down in most areas but humor is an exception.  I was pulling into Home Depot parking lot when I saw a couple (Don & Ruth) leaving the store that I recognized from work, now both retired.  I knew the Don well since we worked together for a number of years.  Don was a really smart guy (retired Air Force Colonel) with a very dry sense of humor. His humor was so subtle that sometimes it took a few seconds for my brain to recognize the joke.

     Now I don’t know how old Don is but he retired from Boeing long before me so I suspect he is in his upper 70’s.  I noticed he was moving kind of slow compared to his wife but he’s retired so what’s the rush.  I roll down my window to talk to him as I come around the corner.  At this point it’s important to know that I am driving my alien green Kia Soul (see photo insert).  Now I have stumbled into Don on occasion when I’m out and about in St. Charles but it has been a while since I’ve seen him (maybe a year).   Anyway I yell “How are you doing, Don” and his immediate response was “Picked it before it was ripe, Huh”.  Well as my brain was processing his response I suddenly realized I was driving this bright green car that looked like an un-ripened apple, then I bust out laughing.  I was glad to see Don’s sense of humor was as sharp as ever.

     So you may run faster or jump higher but be careful you could lose a mental battle with a quick witted senior.  "Just Saying..."

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