Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Names popping into your head

   Have you ever wondered why a name of an old friend, acquaintance or relative will suddenly pop in to your head?  There doesn't seem to be a logical reason but it happens to me all the time and I'm sure if it happens to me it happens to everyone else. Being retired, I'm not burdened with the daily thoughts of budgets, spreadsheets, deadlines, etc. so that could be a factor but it's not a new occurrence for me just maybe more frequent since retirement. Have you ever accidentally run into an old friend and they said, "I was just thinking about you"?  It's happened to you, don't deny it.

     It's likely that it means nothing but could it be that this person is also remembering you at that same moment in time.  I find that interesting, of course that still doesn't explain anything but maybe there is some impact you had to each other lives that results in this casual memory.  For me as I expect with most people the memories of others are mostly pleasant sometimes funny enough to make you smile while driving down the road.  Close friends and relatives are always in your thoughts and that is no surprise but thoughts of long lost friends or casual acquaintances make me wonder.

     I've read somewhere recently that as long as a person's name is spoken or remembered by someone they are still part of this world even if they have passed away many years ago.  I'm not sure exactly what that means but I like the idea that your spirit remains with others when your body is gone. "Just Saying...."

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