Christmas always brings back fond memories of the past at least for
me. That may not be true for everyone so I guess I'm lucky. I grew
up in a middle class blue-collar family, like most other families in our
neighborhood. I don't remember ever being deprived of anything but I also
didn't have inflated dreams for expensive toys. The fact is I don't
remember any truly expensive toys, gifts were board games, erector sets, maybe
a holster and toy gun so I could pretend to fight the bad guy like John Wayne.
Most toys were simply a way of expanding our imagination allowing kids to
create a world of their own maybe this was unintentional, I don't know for
sure. I would also get some new clothes but that was never as interesting
as the toys when I was a young boy. The most expensive present I received
was a bike, which was a big ticket item in those days something I'm sure my
parents saved to get it for me.
The Christmas holidays were special and it really started with Thanksgiving
so it felt like a special time that lasted a whole month. The presents
were great but it was more than that. It was the surprise of waking up,
to find the presents under the tree, then celebrating with your family and
extended family, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. The
celebration was as important as the presents. I must say again I was
lucky because we weren't poor nor rich but I really think it was best that way.
I remember it being a time when you would play all day and fall into bed
at night totally exhausted without any worries and sleep uninterrupted until
morning ready to do it all over again.
I wish these memories for everyone although I know it won't come
true for all. It's important that we all have fond memories of special
times in our lives whether it's a holiday celebration, vacation or special
friends in your life. I wonder what would life be like if we did not have
pleasant memories, depressing I expect. The thing is sometimes memories
of past times seem much more special than today's experiences but today's
experiences will be tomorrow's memories so why not make them special.
Your memories will be different from mine but I hope all your Holidays are special and bring you many pleasant memories to share with others.
Your memories will be different from mine but I hope all your Holidays are special and bring you many pleasant memories to share with others.
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