Monday, September 28, 2015

"Look it's almost impossible to tip"

     This is a very calm lake so it would be the ideal place for beginners like us.  They have two types of kayaks to rent at the park, a sea kayak that you sit on top and the traditional one that you sit in.  As we are inspecting the kayaks a young couple comes down with the attendant.  The park attendant unlocks the kayaks and pulls out two of the traditional kayaks (one blue & one green).  Always being the curious one, I ask the couple if they kayaked often.  The guy (Matt) says "Yes, a couple times a month".  I then ask "Have you ever taken lessons, so you know how to roll the kayak back over if you tip it."  Matt said, "No, these kayaks a pretty stable, I've never tipped one yet”, Famous last words.

     The attendant pushes the boats down toward the water, when Matt's girlfriend/wife says the green one is the fastest.  The couple walks to the kayaks; Matt takes the green one (fastest), which is what guys do when there with a girl, his girlfriend/wife takes the blue one.  We chit chat as they get in the boats.  The girl is wearing her life vest with oar in hand; Matt is in his boat as well with his oar but has tossed his life vest in the bottom of the boat.

     Throughout our encounter with this young couple they have been very friendly and helpful trying to makes us feel comfortable about kayaking.  To reinforce the safety of these kayaks, Matt tips the kayak from side to side stating "Look it's almost impossible to tip".  Well, just as those words leave his mouth, water spills over the lip into the compartment flipping the kayak faster than I could have imagined.  John, I and the attendant and Matt's girlfriend watch in amazement as his head pops out of the water, then his body slinks out of the kayak almost like a sea serpent sheading a cocoon.

     Let me point out that this was shallow water and Matt was in no danger, however this had to be extremely embarrassing for him.  I made the following comment "I wish I would have had this on video, it would be a great YouTube moment" and Matt's girlfriend/wife started laughing hysterically at the situation.  John was laughing but looking downward because he felt embarrassed for Matt.  The attendant just stared in misbelief, then left.  Trying to redeem himself Matt says "This is how you get back in the kayak once you tip it over" and he jumps up on to the boat forcing it under completely filling it with water. Now would be a good time to stop the demonstrations, please. In all fairness since this was the first time he tipped over a kayak he had no experience how to get back in.  At this point he seemed flustered, nothing he did seemed to work, plus all the laughter probably didn't help him focus.

     He had trouble emptying the water out of the boat so we coaxed him in to the shore so we could help him empty the boat.  John said "Let's take the plug out so it's easier to drain." Matt said "Plug?" So while John was draining the boat I went over to get his life vest that had been retrieved by his girlfriend (still laughing). Matt is standing there soaking wet when I notice he has a phone in his pocket so I said "Is that your IPhone", he looks puzzled and says, "No..err yes but it's broken anyway". I'm thinking well if it wasn't it is now. He pulls it out of his pocket looks at it try to turn it on, then grumbles. Now that the boat was empty and ready to launch I said to John "Don't forget to put the plug back in", John trying to lighten the mood (Matt still has a deer in the headlights look) says "Yes that wouldn't be good to find that I still had the plug in my pocket as we are driving home.  I said "That's true I've been in a boat without a plug, didn't end well".  With Matt back in his kayak safely paddling away we told him to "Have a great day".......or at least a better day.

     John and I went back up to the pavilion (laughing all the way) to see if the girls were watching the recent events but they saw nothing.  So we explained in detail the comical kayak launch.  We all laughed and while reliving the incident I stated I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt when John spit out his drink.  There is nothing in life as funny as reality.  We wish Matt and his girlfriend all the best and thank them for an entertaining afternoon, don't fret it happens to all of us one time or another.  Life is great, funny sh*t just seems to happen to me wherever I go.

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