Thursday, August 25, 2016

How many races are there?

     There are quite a few different races. Too many to count but here's a few that come to mind. Auto races, balloon races, Olympic races, space race, charity races and Oh Yeah, the human race. Skin color does not matter and we are all part of the human race. We have many more things in common as humans, which should bring us together. So why is skin color tearing us apart? Skin color and gender are subsets of the human race. We all matter the same.

     People will judge others it's said to be human nature, which is unlikely to change. Isn't it better to be judged for our personal accomplishments rather than being judged or miss-judged do to being a member of a group? We are all looking to make our mark on life but what does that really mean? To me it doesn't mean you will be famous. It might be that you will be famous only with your family as a great parent and provider. That matters.

     Choosing to distinguish yourself solely by your skin color will likely alienate others of a different skin color. It's important to know the objective. Are you trying to bring people together or alienate others? Everyone wants to distinguish themself in some way but doing this with positive personal accomplishments will last longer.

     There will always be people that see themselves as superior but that doesn’t make it so. I suggest ignoring them and get on with living your life to the fullest. "Just Saying...."

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