Thursday, August 3, 2017

Spreading Fear

     The NAACP put out travel warning for Missouri. All they're doing is spreading fear, with no basis on fact, just conjecture. There was a post on Facebook with a number of comments about how racist people in Missouri. It was obvious that they only read the headlines. The story was about a bill the Missouri governor got passed that is being interpreted as negatively affecting racial lawsuits. I don't know if that's good or bad, time will tell.

     Is there racism in Missouri, yes and in every state? Was it fair for the NAACP to put a warning out about traveling to Missouri? No, not in my mind. It's politically motivated grandstanding, to get media attention. Lobbyists do it all the time because fear is a motivator.

     I look forward to the day when lobbyist stop using fear to promote their agenda. It may be a long wait. Missouri is a great state to live, work and vacation in. Can we do better? Yes, of course, but it's more difficult when Missouri has to defend these accusations. "Just Saying..."

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