Thursday, March 12, 2020

How did we live this long?

With all the wars fought, illnesses, fires, drugs and other tragic events that have occurred over the last 100 years, it’s truly amazing that human beings still populate the earth. The fact is we’re still here and in greater numbers than ever before, so why haven’t we learned anything. Tragic events come and go but fear seems to stay with us.
     The public always seems to relent to fear versus positivity. Always error on the side of caution, that’s what some may say. But I say why? What has caution done for you? Kept us safe would be the answer most respond with. True, but also missed opportunities. I’m not saying throw caution to the wind, but use common sense.
     Our reaction to the Coronavirus is based on fear not scientific facts. I’m not implying it isn’t a danger, but there are a lot of dangers in the world and many worse than this virus. The world population is damaging our lives by letting our fears take over. The news media are the only ones that benefit from bad news. Without bad news there would be no news.
     Where would we be if our forefathers let fear prevent them from discovering a new land, land on the moon, invent life saving medical equipment, explore the sea and more? I don’t know but it wouldn’t be good.
     Be smart about how you live, be cautious at times, bold at other times but don’t let fear drive your decisions. Let’s give the Coronavirus it’s proper place not our whole place. It’s a virus, we’ve dealt with them before and we will again. The world is not ending, so think positive. “Just Saying . .. “

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