Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Public Enemy #1

In the wake of Coronavirus, I am happy to report peanut butter has been replaced by the dreaded virus. Be aware, this may only be a temporary for the delectable spread in its position as the #1 enemy of society.
     Jelly has its his partner back at least until the virus is contained. Maybe people will forget the dangers of the peanut and move on with a worry free life.
     I’ve always felt the butter was treated unjustly. Banned from schools and airplanes without a court trial. Lettuce has repeated offenses but is always given a reprieve. Is it because lettuce is a vegetable and considered healthy?
     It’s hard for me to understand why peanut butter has been treated so harshly. I know all the complaints and charges against the spread and many are unfounded. It’s time to free the peanut. “Just Saying . . “

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