Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Seek and You Shall Find

We are all searching for the truth. The thing is, if you already believe you know the truth, then you’re seeking information to support your beliefs. Anyone can find information on the Internet to support their views. There are some conspiracy theorist that still believe the earth is flat and others that the earth is hollow and home to aliens with superior intelligence. These are extreme beliefs, but I mention it just to point out that much of the information on the web is inaccurate or, at best misleading.
     If you have a strong opinion on politics, democrat or republican, you most certainly will find websites to support your opinions. What you should know is that those websites have tainted information because they have an agenda, and it’s about getting followers not getting to the truth. If your source of information are sites like, “Donald is a Racist” or “Democrats Suck”, you probably aren’t getting facts. Even reputable sites can't be entirely relied on. They, too are looking for followers.
     Here’s my opinion, all of us make mistakes, make improvements, change our minds, have successes and failures. We are all judged, and it’s fair to be judged for our actions, but is it necessary to be politically crucified in light of the fact that the information may be false or misunderstood. Keep an open mind; others may be saying something worthwhile.
     If your mind is closed to other viewpoints, are you really seeking the truth? “Just Saying....”

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