Friday, May 8, 2020

Play in the Dirt

Stomp in a puddle, roll in the grass. Be like a kid and play in the dirt. Getting dirty was part of being a kid, a important life experience. My granddaughter likes to play in the dirt. It’s not like there aren’t any toys available, she has many. She prefers nature’s toys, but in truth she’s not unusual, all kids gravitate toward dirt, grass, tree bark and rocks. Oh! ants, worms and any wiggle creatures, they’re all interesting.
     Little kids constantly and unknowingly expose theirselves to germs. It’s the way they build their immune systems. It’s almost like it’s in their DNA to become one with germs. Later in life we learn to fear germs but for kids it’s all an adventure.
     I know fear is a valuable emotion if used properly, but debilitating if it over takes every aspect of our life.
     We are now living under an umbrella of fear with the Coronavirus. I don’t want to ignore the danger, but also don’t want to succumb to an unreasonable fear of germs or viruses. Even doctors and scientist have different views on the proper method to fight the virus.
      I am neither a doctor or scientist but my instincts tell me that hiding indoors indefinitely is not a reasonable answer. I think I need to have my granddaughter visit, so we can go outside and play in the dirt. “Just Saying . . . “

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