Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Fat Hummingbird

Stories are written in different genres such as mystery, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. My post today leans more toward a nonsense genre.

                                                 * * *

In the morning as I drink coffee, I watch the birds in the backyard. There is an abundance of cardinals lately and a few yellow finch, but today I saw a hummingbird. I’ve spotted them before in our yard but not often. This one had a greenish-yellow belly. Its wings were a blur and it flitted quickly from one flower to another, then it flew up to the sliding door giving us a good view.
     My wife said. “Wow, they move fast.”
     “Yes,” I responded. “They eat a lot of sugar or what we like to call high fructose corn syrup, but I’ve never seen a fat hummingbird.”
     Mimi laughed. “Try moving your arms that fast and you’d be thin too.”
     “Yes, but wouldn’t that be annoying.”
     “You mean like this conversation.”
     “Point taken.”
     There are many things I haven’t seen, a fat hummingbird being one, but I still have time. I wonder, if hummingbirds rest, you know take a break from all that flapping. Well, it turns out they do but only at night when they sleep. The hummingbird's heart beats over 1200 beats per minute while it flaps through life and a short life it is only 3 to 5 years. That is all the useful knowledge you will get from this post.
     I had a friend, Charlie, once told me he doesn’t exercise because we are only given a certain amount of heartbeats during our life. So, based on Charlie’s philosophy increasing your heartbeat during exercise shortens your life.
     Charlie is over 70 and the hummingbirds die at age 5. So . . . maybe it’s time for the hummingbirds to relax. “Just Saying . . . “

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