Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Junk Option

My phone gives me the option to file an email in the junk folder. What that does is send all messages from that sender directly to junk mail without me ever having to see them. I’ve been using it frequently to send all the political emails to junk mail. It’s really cool.

I appreciate that function and would like to have that ability on my TV. Since the technology exist on phones it can be argued that the capability should be available on television. 

I’d even pay a small fee for this feature. To file political commercials and annoying reality shows in the junk category would be terrific.

I’m not sure how everyone will agree with my proposal, but I think it’s time we have the option to delete annoyances. Feel free to file this post as junk if you choose. I will not be offended. “Just Saying . . . “

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