What I was taught about tipping is that it was based on the service you receive. I’m primarily speaking about the wait staff at a restaurant. They take your order, answer questions, make suggestions, take substitutions, etc. They provide a service above and beyond what you might receive at a fast food location.
The personality of waiters and waitresses can make your meal more enjoyable. They deserve and earn a tip based on how they serve you. Their hourly salary is minimal so a tip is vital to them. The low salary they make is an issue that needs further clarification in another post.
The hourly wage of fast food workers has increased to $18 - $20 an hour over the past few years, but the service to the customer has gone unchanged. In addition to the wage increase, many of these fast food restaurants have tip jars or an extra line on the receipt for a tip. Why do they deserve a tip? They do not provide any of the service that a wait staff does at a traditional restaurant.
We are being guilted into tipping everyone even those that don’t earn a tip. All my life I have experienced people/groups trying to guilt me into doing something. Now, every time I go to pick up a pizza, fried rice or a sandwich I am forced to address the tip question. I know it’s my choice to tip or not, but I feel it’s an imposition to ask when the only service they’ve provided is hand me the food I paid for.
Sometimes I choose to tip when I pick up a to-go order, but usually just a dollar and only when the person handing me my order shows me their personality with a smile or laugh. You’ll be surprised what a smile or laugh will get you. “Just Saying . . .”
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